Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 5

Down 2 pounds this morning.

Things are going well. Tonight I am hitting the hay SUPER early as I am just beat. Between getting very few hours of sleep last night and no Diet Coke for 48 head is pounding. Once again, I have experienced zero hunger at all. Awesome!

11 cups of water
Lunch: 2 crackers, 2 servings of steamed broccoli and 3 oz of grilled chicken at Chili's. Yeah, I ate out for lunch on my second day of the diet! Woo Hoo! I did it . Mom's Diet Coke was just screaming at me the whole time but I stuck with my water and lime. I also ate some Stevia sweetened strawberries.

Dinner: 3oz. steak and a serving of steamed asparagus and cauliflower. 2 crackers.

Snack: 1 apple.

Jaiden gave me the hormone shot this morning. He did a great job and now I will feel a little more at ease as he does it again tomorrow. All in all, I feel really good about making it through another day, even being out all day and all those McDonald's we passed (oh my favorite place to get Diet Coke.) I held strong and made it through! Now I am feeling really vested.

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